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Home / Gem Library / Gemstones Varieties / Sapphire January 26, 2025

Natural Sapphire

Sapphire is in many respects one of the most important of the colored stones. Rubies and sapphires are more familiar and cherished by layman than many of the other gem varieties. With a hardness of 9 on Moh's scale, sapphires are extremely hard and second only to diamonds in this respect. Tough and durable, they are suitable for use in any kind of jewelry.

Find your Sapphire

Our Sapphire(s) are available in various shapes, sizes and colors. 2251 Sapphire(s), too many to look through? You may select any combination of search options. Colors grade into each other and you can search for more than one color at once. For a better selection, try selecting two or three colors, -- your first choice plus the two closest colors.

Shape Length (mm) Width (mm)
Category Weight (cts) Price (USD)
Color range
green-blue or blue-green
orangy red
very strongly greenish blue
red-orange or orange-red
very slightly greenish blue
reddish orange
greenish blue
yellowish orange
violetish blue
orangy yellow
bluish violet
greenish yellow
bluish purple
yellow-green or green-yellow
strongly yellowish green
reddish purple
yellowish green
red-purple or purple-red
slightly yellowish green
strongly purplish red
slightly purplish red
very slightly bluish green
bluish green
very strongly bluish green

Sapphire Profile

Color information: blue, bluish purple, bluish violet, greenish yellow, orangy yellow, purple, red, reddish orange, red-orange or orange-red, reddish purple, red-purple or purple-red, slightly purplish red, violet, violetish blue, yellow, yellowish orange, pink
Refractive Index: 1.759-1.778
Chemical Composition: AL2O3
Hardness: 9
Density: 4.00
Crystal Group: Hexagonal
Ocurrence: Sri Lanka, Burma, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar, Thailand, U.S.A., China
Sign of the Zodiac: Libra
Month of the year: September
Anniversary: 5th and 45th
Planet: Venus
Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire
Color is the single most important factor in determining the value of a sapphire. Indeed, the color of a sapphire is more important than it's clarity. Sapphires are rarely clean like diamonds and even very expensive stones can be moderately included. Subtle differences in color correspond to marked variations in price valuations. Fine stones of good color and clarity are always rare and uncommon. The best and most valuable colors for blue sapphires are actually violetish blue. Highly saturated medium or dark medium tones are best and sapphires which are too dark or too light are worth considerably less.

Sapphires and rubies are both members of the corundum family with the same hexagonal crystallographic structure. The basic chemical formula is AL2O3 .. the same for both ruby and sapphire. It is the presence of trace elements like chromium, iron, vanadium and titanium which are responsible for the wide range of colors in which the mineral occurs. When a corundum is red, it is known as a ruby and any other color is a sapphire. In practice however, the determination is not always so straightforward because there are no internationally accepted standards for the color of a ruby. Gemologists could describe the same stone as a purplish red ruby or a purplish red sapphire and borderline cases are not uncommon.

Sapphires are noted for the large range of colors in which they occur. The name fancy sapphire, is used to describe sapphires which are not blue. Fancy sapphires are available in an amazing range of colors including yellow, green, violet, pink, brown, purple, violet, white, black and orange.

Occurrences: The most notable deposits of Sapphire are located in Burma, Australia, East Africa, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar. Other well known deposits include Montana, USA; and Kashmir, India. The deposit in Kashmir is no longer producing and the deposits in Montana may not produce enough to be commercially viable.

The Source: Many of the important sapphire deposits in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Kenya and Tanzania are geologically related to each other. Australia, Antarctica, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Africa were all connected in a super continent known as Pangaea billions of years ago. Giant rivers carried gemstones from the same source and deposited them throughout this super continent as alluvial gravels. Between 200 to 400 million years ago, the continents began to separate as a result of tectonic forces and continental drift.

The same stones from the original deposit are now found in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Tanzania. Sri Lanka was probably closest to the source and we know this because the stones there are larger with better crystallization. As the stones were carried to what is now Madagascar and Tanzania, they would have became smaller and more rounded because of the longer distance they traveled. The largest stones are in Sri Lanka. South Madagascar and Tunduru, rough is generally smaller with less defined crystallization. The concentrations and colors of the gravels show remarkable similarity across this huge deposit.

The stones from these localities are extremely difficult or impossible to differentiate. To further complicate the geology, indigenous sapphires with more localized source rocks are also found in nearby areas.

Sri Lanka: is well known for the fine quality and broad range of colors of the sapphires which are found there. Almost every color is found. Ratanapura is an important center for mining and new stones are offered on the local market every day. Sri Lanka is known for producing the largest sapphires in the world.

Madagascar: sapphires are found at numerous locations throughout the country. The southern deposits in Illakaka are geologically related to the sapphire deposits in Sri Lanka, East Africa and Tanzania. The northern star sapphire and the north central ruby deposits are unrelated. The color of many of the stones is outstanding. Madagascar is politically unstable and relatively undeveloped with few roads and few people to discover new deposits. Madagascar should continue to be an exciting and important source for fine sapphires and other gems.

Kenya and Tanzania: The most important deposits are the Umba region in Kenya, and the Tunduru and Songea deposits in Tanzania. The deposits in Tunduru are related to the original super continent source rock. The Umba deposit shows many similarities and may also be related. Another important deposit in Songea, produces green, color change, and red sapphires (rubies). The Songea deposit is geologically unrelated to the other deposits.


The traditional heating of rubies and sapphires is a widely used and accepted enhancement process which can improve the transparency and/or the color of the stones. Techniques range from simply throwing gems in a fire to be cooked or burned to employing sophisticated electric or gas furnaces at specific pressures and atmospheric conditions. The treatment is permanent and heated stones do not require special care.

New treatments which are used to produce orange and yellow stones are more controversial The color is achieved through a process which includes the addition of foreign elements to achieve the desired color alteration. The treatment is a heat/diffusion process which may or may not completely penetrate the stone.

Sapphire has long symbolized truth, sincerity, and faithfulness. Tradition holds that Moses was given the ten commandments on tablets of sapphire, making it the most sacred gemstone. Because sapphires represent divine favor, they were the gemstone of choice for kings and high priests. The British Crown Jewels are full of large blue sapphires, the symbol of pure and wise rulers. Since sapphire symbolizes sincerity and faithfulness, it is an excellent choice for an engagement ring. When Prince Charles chose a sapphire engagement ring for Princess Diana, couples all over the world were inspired to revive this venerable tradition.

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Sapphire range/
Sapphire Single
Sapphire Single Heart Moderately included
Size: 11.40 X 11.80 MM
Weight: 8.530 CTS
Shape: Heart
Clarity: Moderately included
Usually ships within 24 hours
USD 23031.00
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Sapphire Calibrated
Sapphire Calibrated Round Eye clean to Slightly included
Size: 1.20 X 1.20 MM
Weight: 0.010 CTS
Shape: Round
Clarity: Eye clean to Slightly included
Usually ships within 24 hours
USD 0.49
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