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 Home / Gem Library / Natural Gemstones / Lapis February 12, 2025  

Natural Lapis
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There are 11 Lapis(s) available at

Unlike most other gem materials, lapis lazuli is a complex aggregate of several minerals particularly hauyne, sodolite, nosean, and lazurite. The indefinite composition of the material affects it properties and the density ranges between 2.7 and 2.9. Lapis is also frequently found with inclusions of pyrite. The most famous locality for lapis is in North Eastern Afghanistan.

Known Facts
Color Key: Blue, greenish-blue, violet blue
Refractive Index: 1.50
Chemical Composition: A complex aggregate
Hardness: 5.5
Density: 2.7-2.9
Crystal Group: Not applicable
Ocurrence: Afganistan, Pakistan, Chile, Russia, U.S.A., Angola, Burma

Lapis is tough enough to be used in many kinds of jewelry and is also often carved.

Lapis Lapis
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Lapis Stats/
Popularity Index: 109274hits
Total Items: 11items
Total Weight: CTS 1225.60
Cheapest: USD 1.24
Most Expensive: USD 16.52
Largest: CTS 5.57
Smallest: CTS 0.14
Last Added: 09/18/17 08:37:09

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